Only one can manage the fellowship of The 12. In a world where nobody can be ruled, there is one lucky enough to try.
Our Precious came to us in what seemed a fateful encounter. The Bull introduced him as a smart educated businessman from the couve! But the story of Smiguel is more of a “The Blind Side Meets Slumdog Millionaire”. Toro found our Precious a year prior to introduction. He was getting some tacos up in Yakima when he heard a noise in the bushes. Upon investigation, Toro found what he thought was a rabbit hole. He was dismissive at first until he heard this gentle, meek, childlike voice saying “taco por favor”. Everyone knows the gentle giant that lies within the Bull, so it’s no surprise that he pulled this small creature from his hole and fed him. They spent hours together as he learned of the man’s story.
Smiguel was born on the streets of Mexico City. Left to die, he was as saved by a man he called Papa Joe. Orphaned himself, “PotbellyJoes”, as the other kids called him, raised Smiguel to live on the streets. They dumpster dived for scraps, stole and sucked dick to survive. As they grew older their criminal record was catching up. Papa Joe decided prostitution wasn’t sustainable and he put them on a bus and headed to the states. They continued their strive for survival until a crack deal went wrong in Oakland. They were forced to split up but had a secret meeting place once safe. Smiguel made it to the safe spot but to his surprise, Joe didn’t show. So, he jumped on a bus and headed north. Once in Washington he tried to make a living but realized he couldn’t fit in anywhere he went.
Toro was saddened by this story and brought him on as his own. He put him up in his camper out front. He used Smiguel to keep the lawn mowed and the trees trimmed while he taught him how to speak right, how to act, and of course, who to vote for. For a whole year he molded him into a miniature version of himself. Armando, his new name, was a quick learner and within a year had been indoctrinated into a normal society.
There was only one problem, Armando wasn’t fitting in completely. No matter how much he tried to get better at golf, he failed. He was the laughingstock of the inner circles. Forced to play from the ladies’ tees while everyone snickered in the back. He was about to give up and go back to the streets. Seeing his loser limp, Toro had an idea to boost his spirits.
Welcome to The 12! After playing one round with the degenerates of The 12, his morale was boosted. Not because he shot better than 110, but simply because 12 others shot just as bad at that years Duffers Open. He worked his way through the group giving drinks instead of blowjobs and won the hearts of the Fellowship. He even reunited with Papa Joe who was living under the alias “Sloppy Joe” in north Portland. He cleaned him up, fed him and brought him to the better side of the river, to help him grow into society. No more bobos for these misfits.
After only one year with The 12, his charm and charisma gained him the highest achievement of his life, Prez of The 12. He has declared that he will hold this role for the entirety of his life as it has given him a purpose for living.
Our Precious